Lund City

Free guided tour

Next to Lund’s Hospital the 72 meter high church tower of Lund’s All Saints Church rises, a well-known profile in Lund’s skyline. About 700 meters down in the center of Lund you’ll find Lund Cathedral.

Our guides will be happy to take you on a tour and tell you about the history of the church and how it is used today.
A tour takes about 45 minutes.

Open tours June 26 – August 25, 2024

Wednesdays at 13.00 (Swedish)
Sundays at 14.00 (English)

Our open tours take place with a guide and are free.

Datum, Tider, Plats

Visa fler tider...
  • Lunds Allhelgonakyrka
  • Lunds Allhelgonaförsamling

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Lund City. Alla rättigheter förbehållna.