Lund City

Kollektiv Knowledge//Collective Kunskap #5

Which international support program for cultural projects are there? How do I navigate and apply?

With the guidance of Marcus Lampe from Trans Europe Halles and the International Resource Office (IRO) you will get that knowledge! Marcus goes through different support programs with an international focus that are available, current calls for proposals, and gives tips and tricks on how to start building your project idea. Marcus also presents how you can use IRO as support when developing international projects and collaborations. IRO is a venture together with Region Skåne to increase the knowledge and capacity among Skåne’s art and culture actors to run larger international projects. This workshop will be on a beginner level and no previous experience of funding is needed to participate.

This lecture will be held in ENGLISH and is free, limited number of places, so book now!


Stenkrossen in cooperation with STPLN Lab presents Kollektiv Knowledge // Collective Kunskap, a series of free lectures and workshops aimed for both individual cultural creators and producers.

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